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Psoriasis Treatment in Gurgaon

Psoriasis is a non-contagious skin disorder that causes chronic scaly red rashes on your skin. It is primarily caused by genetically mediated dysfunction of the immune system. Environmental factors like infections, weather and stress also influence its occurrence. Abnormal activity of immune system alters the cycle of skin cells. The skin cells turnover time shortens from a month to few days, as a result of which immature cells reach surface and get heaped up to form raised red coloured patches with dry and silvery white scales.

It can occur in people of any age group. Although it doesn't spread from person to person, it may develop due to a family heredity.

The skin patches may appear anywhere on the body. Some people may also experience scalp, nail and joint involvement. There can be different patterns of skin involvement like Plaque, Guttate, Inverse, Pustular and Erythrodermic.

Although, the signs and symptoms may vary from person to person, here are some of the usual symptoms:

  • Plaque: It develops as reddish patches on the skin that may be covered by silvery white coating called scales.
  • Itching: The patches may develop itching and may get gradually thickened if they are scratched.
  • Nail problems: Pits, crumbling and falling off nails may be experienced by a few.
  • Erythrodermic psoriasis: Redness and scaling affecting extensive body surface area.
  • Pustular psoriasis It has symptoms such as- red and swollen bumps filled with pus, soreness and pain in areas where erosions occur. There can be associated problems like fever, chills, severe itching and loss of appetite.

Treatment is guided by diseases severity. For limited disease topical medicines are given and in case of extensive involvement oral drugs and or phototherapy is given.

  • Topical drugs include corticosteroids or tar creams, Vitamin D analogues, tacrolimus, dithranol, salicylic acid.
  • Systemic medication –immune-modulators methotrexate, cyclosporine, retinoids, apremilast.
  • Phototherapy (NB UVB), Photo-chemotherapy (PUVA) and laser therapy (EXIMER) in combination with topical medications is also used for a better result
  • Biological therapy

The type of psoriasis treatment will depend upon your symptoms and your medication history. Seek help of the dermatologist about the options that will work for you and are safe.

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