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Dark Circles

Your schedule is hectic and it’s difficult to take that beauty sleep every day. And, the situation gets worse when you can’t focus on your diet to give that extra nutrition to your skin leading to a dull skin and terrible looking dark circles under the eyes. Well! If you think only you are going through this annoying facial issue, take a breath because most of the people are going through the same. Not only the sedentary lifestyle but heredity factors may also result in under eye circles. But the good news is, you can get rid of the issue with various medical procedures.

The skin surrounding the eyes is comparatively delicate. It gets easily affected by lifestyle changes. The changes that go deeper into the skin and is so much visible on the outer surface. This condition may result from heredity, stress, inappropriate sleep patterns, fatigue or aging. Smoking can also lead to the situation of undereye circles. Often, the condition becomes common with aging as the skin under the eye loses elasticity. There are various medical treatments available to rectify the issue.

Dark Circles

Before we move to the treatment options, let’s have a glance over the factors that can lead to this unwanted issue. Check out what’s the factor affecting you.

  • Irregular and inappropriate sleep.
  • Cosmetic allergy like from the ingredients of your makeup, creams or hair dyes.
  • Rubbing your eyes repeatedly.
  • The disorder is running in family.
  • Too much exposure to the sun.
  • Stress and fatigue
  • Deficiency of iron.
  • Smoking can be a major culprit.

Dark circles can become a permanent issue if not treated in time. Hence, it is important you do not ignore and fix the problem permanently with medical procedures.


Many cosmetic procedures are available to eliminate dark circles. Based on your condition, the dermatologist may prescribe medications and creams to treat the issue or advice for a laser treatment.

Intense Pulse Light It is a laser treatment in which the laser energy addresses the under-eye circles in an effective way. It is an outpatient treatment and can be performed within an hour. It may require 3 to 6 sittings to see desired results.

Chemical Peels This cosmetic treatment helps to rejuvenate the under-eye skin reducing the appearance of dark circles. It also eliminates the appearance of fine lines under the eyes.

Dermal Fillers The injectable dermal fillers like the collagen injection or fat transfer can help in reducing dark circles by augmenting the recessed areas.

Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy also is known as under eye PRP is an effective procedure.

Adding to this, micro-needling, Vitamin E supplements, and prescription-based eye creams are also some treatments that are used to eliminate dark circles. Prevention is the best care. Therefore, try to follow a good lifestyle and dietary habits to prevent the occurrence of dark circles. And, if you are suffering from it, do not delay until it becomes permanent. Consult a doctor or Dark Circles specialist in Gurgaon for best possible treatment and awake your confidence.

  • Batches of red or skin-colored welts (wheals) on the body.
  • Welts that change in shape and appear and recur as the reaction runs its course.
  • Itching
  • Painful swelling of the lips, eyelids and inside the throat.
  • Signs and symptoms flare with triggers such as heat, exercise, and stress.
  • Signs and symptoms may persist for more than six weeks and recur unpredictably over a period of time.
  • Short-term hives appear suddenly and clear up within a few weeks.

The symptoms and signs may vary from person to person. So one should check for the above mentioned symptoms to ensure the relevant disease.

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